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    Veterinary medicine. categories: (Boston)

      Our Veterinary Medicine directory of the comprehensive Medicine and Doctors catalog is the best source of information on veterinary hospitals, clinics offering the best medical and preventive care.
      Browse our directory and find facilities using state-of-the-art equipment and qualified staff to provide individualized physical examinations, full surgical services, dentistry and preventive teeth cleaning, laboratory services, boarding, radiology services, pharmacy services, training, for your pets in Boston, MA and Boston area. Read articles, reviews, and advices from specialists on your pets care at home. Also, in this categpory you would be able to find shelters for pets, rescue organizations, boarding facilities, emergency care facilities in Boston and the Greater Boston area.

  • Veterinary medicine (3)

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  Boston Veterinary Associates
Boston Veterinary Associates is dedicated to keep your beloved pets as healthy and happy as we can. We do this by practicing preventative and diagnostic medicine.  More about Boston Veterinary Associates
  Terrier Stud
Jack Russell Terrier Stud Dog Service. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is a long leg, rough-coat Jack Russell Terrier stud with documentation and class.  More about Terrier Stud
  The Animal Rescue League of Boston
The Animal Rescue League is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing domesticated animals and wildlife from suffering, cruelty, abandonment, and neglect. The Animal Rescue League of Boston will be a leader among animal welfare organizations in providing rescue and law enforcement services and promoting a compassionate and responsible attitude towards all living beings.  More about The Animal Rescue League of Boston

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